Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Because i wanna wake up and see familiar faces

I still haven went to do my blood test yet. Not really sure when i'll go.

I think my normal response is to wait till it becomes serious, but the thing is, i can't tell whether this will be serious anot.

The doctor's face was like, *Dramatic music playing as the main character's future is seen as death*. Seriously. I may treat it as a joke, but i'm scared too. It ain't drool, it's tears.

I've been searching for the links to it. I hope everything will be ok, as always.:) The closest I am ready to accept is leukemia. Anything worse, probably i'll just shell up first.

Lymphoma Symptoms

Often, the first sign of lymphoma is a painless swelling in the neck, under an arm, or in the groin.

The enlarged lymph node sometimes causes other symptoms by pressing against a vein or lymphatic vessel (swelling of an arm or leg), a nerve (pain, numbness, or tingling), or the stomach (early feeling of fullness).

[WTF, I think my leg is now having this shit because of the stupid swelling, and my hand kenna the other time recently, and the swelling is still there.]

Leukemia Symptoms

The following symptoms of leukemia are common to all types:

* Unexplained fever [I had this.]

* Frequent infections

* Night sweats [I had this.]

* Fatigue (feeling tired or washed out) [I had this.]

* Weight loss

* Headache [I had this.]

* Confusion

* Balance problems [I had this.]

* Blurred vision

* Painful swellings in the neck, under the arms, or in the groin

* Shortness of breath [I had this.]

* Nausea or vomiting [I had this.]

* Abdominal pain and/or swelling

* Testicular pain and/or swelling

* Pain in the bones or joints

* Weakness or loss of muscle control

* Seizures

Shaw told me i slimmed down. When i heard that i was like... Serious? I did not take a look in the mirror.

I wanna take the blood test. But school's timing is FUCKED UP. Ah wtf lah. I hope i'm just over-thinking things. PLEASE.

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